1. Research interested
Effect of land certificate on agricultural productivity in Cambodia
2. Article
Property Rights, Productivity, and Common Property Resources: Insights from Rural Cambodia
3. When
2018. 03. 22. (Thu) 11:30 ~ 13:00
4. Where
Seminar room 406, Graduate School of International Agricultural Technology
5. Main contents
○ This study investigates the effects of land property rights in Cambodia with low state capacity by using Cambodia Household Socioeconomic Survey data conducted in 2004.
○ Property rights have the potential to increase agricultural investment, and therefore productivity and land values, through three channels.
=> 1) Confidence of the landowner 2) Easing access to credit 3) Facilitating trade in land
○ This paper also investigates whether the introduction of private property rights leads to decreased availability of common property resources.
6. Method-used
○ Cobb-Doulas production function in analysis of agricultural productivity
○ Two Stage Least Squares (2SLS) to solve endogenous problem
○ Conditional Logit regression in analysis of credit use & availability of different common property resources
7. Results
○ Plots held with a paper documenting ownership in rural Cambodia are found to have higher productivity and land values than other plots, while property rights have weak effects on access to credit.
○ There is only weak support on the hypothesis that private property rights would decrease the availability of common resources.