1. Research interested
Effect of Land Ownership on Agricultural Productivity in Cambodia
2. Article / Journal
Property Rights and Productivity: The Case of Joint Land Titling in Vietnam (2015) / Carol Newman, Finn Tarp, and Katleen van den Broeck / Land Economics
3. Presenter
: Jungwook Ahn
4. When
2018. 05. 23. (Wed) - 11:30 ~ 13:00
5. Where
Seminar room 406, Graduate School of International Agricultural Technology
6. Main contents
○ This paper analyses the impact of land titling on rice productivity by identifying a positive association between land titling and productivity using a household-plot panel dataset collected over a five-year period in Vietnam
○ The paper investigate the extent to which there is treatment heterogeneity in the impact of land titling on productivity by considering the difference between individual and jointly held titles.
7. Method-used
○ household-fixed-effects model
○ plot-fixed-effects model
8. Results
○ Obtaining a LUC has productivity enhancing effects regardless of the name structure, as long as household names are included in the LUC.
○ Holding a title in two names has greater productivity effects than holding a title in one name.
○ Joint titling has the potential for impact on broader welfare outcomes for women and their families.