1. Research interested
Factors influencing rural household income, crop choice
2. Article / Journal
The Forgotten Property Rights: Evidence on Land Use Rights in Vietnam(2011), THOMAS MARKUSSEN ,FINN TARP ,KATLEEN VAN DEN BROECK , World development.
3. Presenter
: Chanmi Yun
4. When
2018. 06. 20. (Wed) - 11:30 ~ 13:00
5. Where
Seminar room 406, Graduate School of International Agricultural Technology
6. Main contents
○ analysis how restrictions on crop choice may affect household behavior
○ use VARHS(Vietnam Access to Resource Household Survey) in 2006,2008 and VHLSS(Vietnam Household Living Standard Survey) in 2002,2004
7. Method-used
○ OLS, fixed-effects regression
8. Results
○ Restrictions impose real constrains on the behavior of farmers.
○ Restriction have had a significant effect on household labor supply, but no effect on income from cultivation was found.
○ Restricted households are effectively supplied by the authorities with higher quality inputs than other households.