1. Research interested
Potential of Insects as Food and Feed, especially replace high-protein feed sources
2. Article / Journal
Potential of Insects as Food and Feed in Assuring Food Security/Annual Review of Entomology
3. Presenter
: Nivelle Kim
4. When
2019. 04. 10. (Wed.) - 12:00 ~ 13:30
5. Where
Seminar room 418, Graduate School of International Agricultural Technology
6. Main contents
○ Edible insects were treated as primitive food before, but are now seen as future protein sources with low GHG emissions and excellent feed conversion ratio.
○ It uses less water, has high nutrient and protein production per unit area, and can choose various species for purposes. Cricket, BSF larvae and Mealworm are already sold mainly in developing countries.
7. Method-used
○ Reviews insects currently in use for food.
8. Results
○ BSF Larvae, House fly maggots, Acridids, Yellow mealworm is an insect that can be used as feed and is found to be able to replace some of the protein sources in each study.
○ Developing preservation technologies for long-term storage, reducing labor costs through automation, securing stability as food and feed, processing methods and improving consumer acceptance of edible insects remain challenges.