Field research
We design a questionnaire, train enumerators, conduct field surveys (rural household, consumer), and analyze data.

Lao PDR Consumers' Choice and Preference
Survey on Chicken Meat
Consumer data collection in Vientiane,
(total of 300 consumers' data collected)
In cooperation with National University of Laos (Faculty of Agriculture)

Comprehensive understanding of research fields especially such as peatland.
Palembang, INDONESIA - Visiting lowlands landscape in South Sumatra
Pangkalan Lampam, Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI), South Sumatra
Banyuasin, South Sumatra
In cooperation with CIFOR (Center For International Forestry Center)

Consumer's Preference Survey on Korean Strawberries in Vietnam
Consumer data collection in Hanoi, Vietnam (total of 600 consumers' data collected)
In cooperation with Vietnam National University of Agriculture - Faculty of Economics and Rural Development

LAO pdr &
Laos Environment-friendly Poultry Market Survey
Interviewed local farmers and experts who have engaged in the field
Visited poultry farms implementing 'Environment-friendly farming' and organic markets for eggs
In cooperation with National University of Laos (Nabong Campus)

Is Urea-Molasses Block(UMB) Potential to Smallholder Farmers in Low Input Cattle Production System in Lao PDR?
Rural household data collection (total of 155 households from 3 villages in Park neugm District, Vientiane Capital)
In cooperation with National University of Laos (Faculty of Agriculture)

Establishment of Wholesale Market in area of Naypyitaw of Myanmar (KOICA funded)
Field mission for dialogue meeting on a contract of Survey company for Randomized Control Trial(RCT) in suburb Naypyitaw and Shan State of Myanmar
In cooperation with Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation, Myanmar

Is Urea-Molasses Block(UMB) Potential to Smallholder Farmers in Low Input Cattle Production System in Lao PDR?
Rural household data collection (total of 103 households from 3 villages in Saythany District, Vientiane Capital)
In cooperation with National University of Laos (Faculty of Agriculture)

Converting Glutinous Rice Farmers into Vegetable Growers for Higher Cash Return using Behavioral Economics: Risk Aversion
Rural Household Survey Manual
Participated in a rural household survey in Kalasin District in the Northeast region of Thailand
In cooperation with E-SAAN Center for Business and Economic Research(ECBER) of Khon Kaen University, Thailand

Causal Link of Pre-Existing Agricultural Information to Rice Productivity and Income
Findings from Ban Pakkayong and Ban Paklung
Rural household data collection (total 295 households data collected: 187 hhs from Ban Pakkayong, 108 hhs from Ban Paklung)
In cooperation with Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry in Souphanouvong University and Faculty of Law and Politics in National University of Laos (Nabong Campus)

Rural Economy and Income Diversification: evidence from ban Paksapmei
- Rural household data collection (total of 181 households data collected)
In cooperation with National University of Laos (Nabong Campus)

Poultry Distribution Project for Nutrition Enhancement Kilosa District, Tanzania (project implemented by Canaan Farmers School)
Visited and monitored the process of poultry distribution project run by Canaan Farmers School
Sponsored by the fund of KOICA ODA Intern